The Brain, Learning, and Creativity Notes

The Brain, Learning, and Creativity Notes

Sleep is your Superpower



Testosterone levels can be affected by levels of sleep

Sleeping before and after learning new information is critical to retaining that information

New memories can’t be absorbed during sleep deprivation

Those who are sleep deprived have a 40% deficit in retaining information compared to those with enough sleep

Deep-sleep brainwaves and fibers help retain memories and information

Dementia and Alzheimer’s development is significantly affected by worsening sleep habits as a person ages

An hour of sleep lost can cause an uptick in rates of heart attacks, due to Daylight Savings time

Natural Killer Cells are diminished during sleep deprivation

The WHO has classified nighttime work as a “probable carcinogen”

Genes and DNA are distorted and shut off by insufficient sleep

The body needs to lower its core temperature by ~2 degrees Fahrenheit in order to fall into and stay asleep


Sleep is incredibly important to all aspects of the human body, and deprivation of it is detrimental to a person’s health now and in the future.

Learn Better Practicing Techniques from Dr. Molly Gebrian



Taking breaks is very important for learning new skills and information

Groups that practice spaced learning tend to perform much better than groups that practice massed learning

^ Spaced learning groups reach proficiency at surgical training at a higher rate

The synapse is the space between two neurons, where most brain activity is transmitted

When a synapse undergoes “long-term potentiation”, it grows stronger and more easily communicable

A higher number of synapses undergo potentiation via electrical stimulation after breaks

Breaks are taken so that synapses can be properly constructed and ready for potentiation

The prefrontal cortex is mainly used for early memory

Practice should be spaced out farther the more complex the task is

If a break is too short, synapse reconstruction can’t occur–if breaks are too long, memory can fade


Adequate breaks are essential for retaining information, as they allow synapses related to memory and brain communication to reconstruct.

Bass Research, Analysis, and Recording Project

Bass Research, Analysis, and Recording Project

Fender Jazz Bass” by Alesist is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.


Write your daily summary last, at the end of the day here… Only one to two sentences. DELETE ALL OF MR. LE DUC’s INSTRUCTIONS DETAILED ABOVE AFTER COMPLETING THEM


Watch How Bass Works (47 minutes)

        • the bottom note of a chord is called the root
        • bass notes are typically a few octaves lower than melodic notes
        • melody and bass sometimes move in opposite directions on a scale–as the melody goes up the bass goes down, & vice versa


Step 1: Watch How to write Chromatic Notes in Hookpad (some bass lines are based on chromatic scale)

screenshot from HookTab

Step 2: Watch 3 ways to use Hookpad’s MIDI drag-drop feature (you can create basslines and more and export to Soundtrap and other DAW – digital audio workstations)

Step 3: Try making a bassline to a chord progression or melody line.

Not super imaginative, but I’m not really a rocket scientist of composition… or a composer. Either way, it was fun to tinker with it. I was hoping to make use of the chromatic notes, but none of them really sounded right with the melody.


Step 1: Watch How To Add Bass Notes Guitar Strumming Lessons by Tomas Michaud

Screenshot from Tomas Michaud video

Step 2: Download the guitar TABS for his exercise (PDF)

Step 3: Practice one of the exercises

Bonus Resource!

Profile in Excellence

Screenshot from Polyphonic at YouTube

Profile in Excellence

Image from Wikipedia


Choice 1: Explore Carol Kaye and James Jamerson’s Profiles in Excellent.  These are two bass players are credited with creating some of the best bass lines!  Then go for a walk and think of the funky work they created.

Choice 2: Flip through the Quizlet on Bass Composition Techniques flashcards a couple times.

After playing with Quizlet, go for a walk and think about bass lines.  Think of songs that have great basslines.  When you are back from your walk, you might want to research more about the notes that make those basslines stand out?

Screenshot from Quizlet Bass Composition Techniques

Something about higher notes on bass sounds really pleasing to me. Not sure what it is; I think it helps it to stand out more. I used to have trouble listening for it in songs, so higher notes always stuck out to me. Plus, bass just has a really nice sound in general.


Play around with playing the low E string (6th string on the top of the neck) on your guitar. Create a simple three note-ish bassline. Get funky with it.  Try different plucking tempos to great the groove. You can even try playing Smoke on the Water

Screenshot from

What did you compose? Write a reflection on what you did. DELETE ALL OF MR. LE DUC’s INSTRUCTIONS DETAILED ABOVE AFTER COMPLETING THEM


Record the bass line you developed in the studio.

How did the recording go? Write a short reflection. DELETE ALL OF MR. LE DUC’s INSTRUCTIONS DETAILED ABOVE AFTER COMPLETING THEM


Tell your daily story here!  Highlight what you learned and enjoyed most and at least one problem you solved. Problem-solving is one of the most important skills you need in life. Employers want to know HOW you get stuff done as much as WHAT you got done. DELETE ALL OF MR. LE DUC’s INSTRUCTIONS DETAILED ABOVE AFTER COMPLETING THEM


  • Give feedback on the class Content and Process
    • Participation will be part of your leadership project due at the end of the course
  • Fill in the Daily Activity Evaluation